Laughing is, and always will be, the best form of therapy. - Dau Voire
The Power of Laughter!
I remember when I was sitting at a table full of ICF coaches (at an Iowa ICF board meeting) when we did a warm up practice where each person around the table would use one word to describe you.
One of the words that was used to describe me was: SERIOUS Say whaaattt?!? That is not a word I would typically associate with myself. But after some deep reflection, and after learning I was an HSP, I can see why others may have this perspective of me. Now this was way before I actually knew I was an HSP. But when I think back to this situation and reframe this experience through the HSP lens, I can understand why this label was given to me. I deeply care. I take my role and responsibilities seriously. I am making sure everyone else's needs are being taken care of - all while I am processing more information than non-HSPs, from my environment. There is a lot to process and manage internally as well as I am very conscientious (wishing to do what is right, especially to do one's work or duty well and thoroughly). So yeah, I guess that kind of pressure I put on myself would label me as "serious" to others who were observing me in the role I was in at that moment. Can you relate? Are you an HSP who has been labeled "serious" from others who may not know you very well? Do you take yourself too seriously? Is stress bogging you down? |
This is why I want to bring up the importance of laughter. I'm sure I am not the only HSP who takes themselves so seriously. I think non-HSPs especially may come to this conclusion since they are not processing nearly the amount of external or internal stimuli as HSPs do.
Laughter is a form of internal jogging. It moves your internal organs around. It enhances respiration. It is an igniter of great expectations.” — Norman Cousins
Here are some benefits of LAUGHTER
- A healthy laughter can help you to reduce pain and prevent infections.
- It has been seen that there is a considerable drop in the levels of stress hormones after a good laughing session.
- It helps in releasing endorphins which can bring positive changes to the mindset of a person.
- A heavy laughter brings in much more oxygen to the lungs than normal breathing would do.
- Laughter reduces the risk of heart diseases!
- Fifteen minutes of laughing a day can make you lose weight.
- It has been scientifically proven that laughter can be contagious.
- The maximum laughter happens over social responses which mean that only 10-15 percent of it is actually due to jokes.
- Laughter is a sound which does not have any language.
- Humans are not the only creatures who laugh. Animals like dog and cat also laugh!
- A child of the age of six years laughs about three times more than an adult.
- Heavy laughter everyday can strengthen your immune system.
- The average person laughs about thirteen times in a single day.
It also got me thinking about making sure I get in a good laugh EVERY DAY. You know, that kind of laugh that just takes over your body and comes straight from you belly? Yeah, that kind.
One show that always makes me laugh out loud is The Office. My partner likes to tune into that show when he needs to unwind and take a break from work and a lot of heavy thinking. That's when I fell in love with that show. I never watched it when it first came out. Yes, it's SO inappropriate in our current times, but it's ridiculousness always makes me laugh!
And if you haven't yet watched the TV show, Abbott Elementary, I highly recommend this show for a good laugh! I watch it on Hulu. If you are an Office fan, you will see some parallels between the two shows! I LOVE the principal - she is so quick witted and HILARIOUS!
Now if I haven't already given you a reason to laugh, check out some of the following videos I put together. And please, don't laugh! :D
Have you ever tried Laughter Yoga??? Here is a taste of it!
Have you ever tried Laughter Yoga??? Here is a taste of it!
Have you seen any of the following viral videos? They make me laugh every time!
Julie Staub, Holistic Wellness Coach | Terms of Use | Disclaimer | Privacy Policy | Copyright © 2022