Welcome to my Blog!
I'm not sure how I feel about the word "blog" but I wanted to create a space on my website to fully express myself as a Highly Sensitive Person. No holding back. No character limits, no grid format. Just a space on the internet where I could utilize my creativity and deliver the information I want to deliver in the package I want to share it in.
I am a deeply creative and expressive human who felt so limited by social media content creation and eventually left social media for this reason (and so much more.) I have no interest or energy to invest in an ever changing algorithm. One benefit of creating here vs. there, is being more visible in google search engines through SEO. I also feel a greater sense of personal ownership creating content on my own website versus making content for free on social media. Why are we still willingly offering up our personal data to these systems only to be used against us by the 1%? We are all being played. Think about it.
And as an HSP, I can also honor my own HSP pace and bandwidth when I'm not constantly feeling the pressure to 'keep up' with social media. I'm excited to pour that freed up energy into my website now. And energetically, creating content on my website allows me to create from a feel good space, a place of inspiration and enthusiasm - not competition and fear. I believe creating from this space helps my content reach more people by creating a ripple effect of feel good energy which will only make a greater impact in the lives of HSPs and their HSP journey. I don't know why it took me so long to arrive to this conclusion, but I'm glad I did.
Starting this blog also allows me to share ideas and concepts that go deep.
I have more space here to say what I want to say and create a visual container that is calming and soothing for my fellow HSPs. I also love to include A LOT of links, references to other places on the internet, that could be helpful to YOU along your HSP JOURNEY.
I am a deeply creative and expressive human who felt so limited by social media content creation and eventually left social media for this reason (and so much more.) I have no interest or energy to invest in an ever changing algorithm. One benefit of creating here vs. there, is being more visible in google search engines through SEO. I also feel a greater sense of personal ownership creating content on my own website versus making content for free on social media. Why are we still willingly offering up our personal data to these systems only to be used against us by the 1%? We are all being played. Think about it.
And as an HSP, I can also honor my own HSP pace and bandwidth when I'm not constantly feeling the pressure to 'keep up' with social media. I'm excited to pour that freed up energy into my website now. And energetically, creating content on my website allows me to create from a feel good space, a place of inspiration and enthusiasm - not competition and fear. I believe creating from this space helps my content reach more people by creating a ripple effect of feel good energy which will only make a greater impact in the lives of HSPs and their HSP journey. I don't know why it took me so long to arrive to this conclusion, but I'm glad I did.
Starting this blog also allows me to share ideas and concepts that go deep.
I have more space here to say what I want to say and create a visual container that is calming and soothing for my fellow HSPs. I also love to include A LOT of links, references to other places on the internet, that could be helpful to YOU along your HSP JOURNEY.
This section in currently under construction.
Thank you for your patience as I build this NEW Blog!
Thank you for your patience as I build this NEW Blog!
Subscribe to my weekly Newsletter for HSPs!
If you are not already a subscriber of my weekly HSP newsletter, click the button below to subscribe! Be sure to confirm your email address so I can start sending you the good stuff.
Each week you will receive an informative email that serves and supports HSPs like you. You will be the first to receive new content, freebies, free events and so much more! I love to love up my HSP community!
Highly sensitive people are too often perceived as weaklings or damaged goods. To feel intensely is not a symptom of weakness, it is the trademark of the truly alive and compassionate. - Anthon St. Maarten
Check out my NEW HSP Resource Library!
I have compiled a comprehensive list of HSP books, podcasts, movies, and links to podcasts I have been a featured guest on, as well as the Clubhouse replays, hosted through YouTube.
Whether you are new to the trait of sensory processing sensitivity (aka 'highly sensitive person') or you have been on your HSP journey for some time, I've got a resource list for you! Everything you need for an HSP deep dive, can be found here! |
Boundaries Highly Sensitive People Need in their Calendar
When it comes to our time and energy, HSPs need to approach their calendar/schedule with self-awareness, self-compassion and just a little planning to prevent overwhelm, overstimulation and burn out.
I have been managing my own multi-layered work schedule for decades as well as for other households and families as a nanny in my younger days. Over the years, I have found a system that helps me prioritize and organize all that I give my time and attention to, from a grounded, intentional and self-compassionate space. Do you have a Frogger or a Tetrus approach when it comes to your calendar? |
Being an Alcohol-Free HSP
[for a full year+?] Celebrating 9 months of being alcohol-free on May 24, 2022!
Sharing some of my personal insights and observations about my relationship with alcohol as an HSP and what my break with alcohol has been like after 8 months in! |
We are a package deal, however. Our trait of sensitivity means we will also be cautious, inward, needing extra time alone. Because people without the trait (the majority) do not understand that, they see us as timid, shy, weak, or that greatest sin of all, unsociable. Fearing these labels, we try to be like others. But that leads to our becoming overaroused and distressed. Then that gets us labeled neurotic or crazy, first by others and then by ourselves.
- Elaine N. Aron, Ph.D., The Highly Sensitive Person
My HSP Story
[part 1] I learned about the HSP trait through the movie, Sensitive in 2018. It was life changing to learn about this trait and to finally feel like I could prove to the world that there was nothing wrong with me.
Spring Whole Food Reset + 21-day Challenge
I'll share my ambitious, spring, food and lifestyle, upgrade plan with you (including my personal habit trackers) and the process I personally use to integrate these new healthy changes slowly and mindfully over the months of April and May.
101 Ways To Tell The World About HSPs!
My mission from the very beginning, was to inform, educate and advocate for highly sensitive people. I started to speak directly with schools in my area right before spring break 2020. We all know what happened after March 2020. Schools shut down. Everyone was in survival mode.
After the pandemic forced us to all go online, I had to pivot and figure out a way to get my message out there. In January 2021, a new app called Clubhouse finally gave me the ability to share and connect with an HSP community. |
Sensitive people like a slower pace of life. We like pondering all our options before making a decision and regularly reflecting on our experiences. We hate busy schedules and rushing from one event to the next. — Jenn Granneman, 12 Things a Highly Sensitive Person Needs
5 Essential Self-Care Practices for HSPs
Self-care for HSPs is not just an act but a way of life.
If we don't create a lifestyle that supports our biology and our specific needs for deep rest and recharging, we will burn out. When we are chronically burned out, we can get stuck in fight/flight/freeze which impacts our immune system and all the organs our nervous system regulates. This can potentially lead to chronic health issues, chronic fatigue or chronic pain issues as well as mental/emotional overload. |
The Power of Laughter!
[why we need to laugh more] I remember when I was sitting at a table full of ICF coaches at an Iowa ICF board meeting, when we did a warm up practice where each person around the table would use one word to describe you.
One of the words that was used to describe me was: SERIOUS Say whaaattt?!? |
Earth Day Every Day Practices [my personal approach]
In honor of Earth Day, April 22, 2022, I wanted to share some things I do personally as a highly sensitive person who cares deeply about our home, our planet, and all living creatures here.
For starters, I want to point out that going green, being eco-friendly, or creating a sustainable lifestyle is a process and a journey. No one is going to get it right 100% of the time, so don't put that expectation on yourself. This is a unique personal journey for everyone. |
It's not that our eyes and ears are better, but that we sort what comes in more carefully. We like to inspect, reflect, ponder. - Elaine N. Aron, Ph.D., The Highly Sensitive Person in Love
Julie Staub, Holistic Wellness Coach | Terms of Use | Disclaimer | Privacy Policy | Copyright © 2022